Friends Newsletter
The Friends of the Library site moved – please visit us at
Friends of Stevens Memorial Library

North Andover Massachusetts
Spring 2011 Marty Larson, President
Friends of Stevens Memorial Library
Spring Newsletter
The Friends are delighted with improvements we have been able to contribute to the Library. The new shelving in the Children’s Room creates a cozy nook for award-winning books and frees up much-needed space. Upstairs we’ve added a couple of new book racks for our ever-expanding collections. The New England Aquarium has been added to the list of Museum Passes available to patrons. From the book donations we received last year we were able to add about 2400 of them to the Stevens Memorial Library collection.
All these improvements are made possible by the Friends’ book sales. Mark your calendars: the next big sale will be held Friday, Saturday and Sunday May 13, 14, 15. We’ve been assembling our stock since November and we will have our usual huge collection of great books and other items at great prices. It’s your chance to stock up for summer reading.
We appreciate the generous donations which make our sales so successful. You can leave donations any time the library is open at the lower hall on the designated shelves.
Remember the Friends also sell books, CDs and DVDs all year long. Check out the fiction, non-fiction, paperback and children’s shelves in the lower hall.
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Our Next Book Sale
The dates are:
Friday, May 13, 4-7pm
Saturday May 14, 9-4 pm
Sunday May 15, noon-3pm
As usual, we have a LOT of books. There will be fiction, non-fiction, children’s books, audio and video tapes, DVDs and CDs Prices will range from $.50 to $2.00
On Sunday, the price will be $4 per bag, which we’ll supply.
WE NEED HELP to sort, stock shelves, and cashier. PLEASE pick a time(s) and call or email us (Art & Marty Larson, 686-1557 or No experience is necessary, only an interest in books. There will be a volunteer there to guide you. Set-up hours are May 7th through 12th.
We can still use any and all donations.
A great idea
If you are looking for a great way to honor someone or to create a memorial, consider donating a sum to the Library to acquire books or other materials on a subject they enjoyed. Special book plates will be created with the wording you choose. For more information talk with Library Director, Mary Rose Quinn.
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